The Liebster award is given to an up and coming blogger who has less than 200 followers.
1. Post 11 random things about yourself.
2. Answer the questions that the nominator sets for you.
3. Create 11 questions for the people you nominate.
4. Nominate blogs that you love (also with less than 200 followers); Link them to your post and let them know they have been nominated.
I was nominated by Kaysie at Chasers of Kaysers
Kaysie is married to a former co-worker of mine who I have kept in touch with since moving on in my career. I always follow her blog and am so happy for them as they are expecting their first child, a baby girl, Preslie Kay Marie, in April! :)
11 Random Things about Elizabeth
- I am a serious hypochondriac. I'm talking self-diagnosing, WebMD App addicted, I couldn't name all the things I've thought I had over the years...(a few of my paranoia bouts included: diabetes, appendicitis, tonsilitis
- I resisted the Twilight books and movies for the longest time. My sister read them very early on and worked hard at trying to get me on the bandwagon. It wasn't until this past year after a sick day and a Twilight marathon on TV that I finally gave in and read the books. And let me say, they are amazing! I am currently reading The Host which is written by the same author and it is so good also!
- I can't wait to be a mom. I am one of those people who was just born to be a mother and I can't wait to experience every moment of it. I am not trying to rush into it at all! But in a few years, when we are ready, I know we will both welcome parenthood with open arms.
- I want to set the record for youngest retiree... but from what I've been told, don't we all?! Don't get me wrong, I love working hard and bringing home money and living a comfortable lifestyle, but wouldn't it be great to just do yoga, go shopping, go to movies and travel the world for the rest of my life? I know, dream on.
- I am going to be an auntie for the first time this year! Marc's older brother and his wife are having a boy and due on June 22! We are so excited and ready to be the "cool" aunt and uncle :)
- I love watching Teen Mom and16 and Pregnant... Sadly, this is very true. It's a guilty pleasure of mine. I love the drama, but I also love the babies. Who doesn't love babies??
- There are 209 days left until I get to marry my best friend. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him!
- My other best friend got engaged last week and she is getting married this summer! I am so excited we get to plan our weddings together and share the journey of "wife-hood" and marriage. This is what we dreamed of when we were little girls and I am so happy for her!!
- My sister sent out the bachelorette party save-the-dates this week and let me just say she is the most creative sister and the BEST maid of honor! The invites are hilarious and all the girls love them. It's going to be a great weekend!
- I already purchased 2 bikinis for our honeymoon... Even though we aren't quite sure where we are going for our honeymoon, I couldn't pass them up! Now let's work on this bikini-bod so I look just like the models in those swimsuits :)
- We need to get so many more things done around the house that I am so overwhelmed with it all! We need to paint the hallway, the window and door trim throughout, paint the front door, organize the office, finish furnishing the house, painting the bathrooms, re-tiling the master bath, painting the kitchen, buying artwork for these bare walls... the list goes on. Ah!!
My 11 Questions from Chasers of Kaysers
1. How many siblings do you have?
2: my older brother is 30. He got married this past year in Chicago to his amazing wife (my "third" sibling - the best sister-in-law I could ask for!) and my younger sister is 22. She was my best friend and most loyal playmate throughout childhood and still is the person I can go to with anything. When we are together, we usually end up laughing until it hurts :)
2. What is one thing that you have done, that you never thought you would do?
I never thought I would have a career in Sales. I was extremely shy growing up and was terrified of talking to people (on the phone or in person) so it was a huge shock to everyone in my family when my first job out of college was in Sales and so is my current job. It has really helped me to get over my shy-ness and branch out and try new things outside of my comfort zone.
3. Makeup or no makeup?
MAKEUP! I have been wearing makeup nearly everyday of my life since I turned 13. That was the age my mom allowed my sister and I to wear makeup. On my 13th birthday, she took me to get a makeover at Clinique where I learned all about what types of makeup I could wear and I have not gone back. In the 13 years since I started wearing makeup, I can probably count on one hand the number of days I have left the house without mascara...
4. What is your worst habit?
Interrupting. Marc does not hesitate to remind me of this. I am working on it desperately! I am really trying to become a better listener and not always but in with my own two cents...
5. What is your biggest fear?
The dark. Being alone in the dark. Being attacked in the darkness when I'm alone. Just thinking about it has me all freaked out right now... I do NOT do scary movies. They seriously give me nightmares and I do not enjoy the feeling of being terrified for hours on end when I should be sleeping.
6. If you knew the world would end a week from today, what would you try to get done/see/say beforehand?
Get married. Have a baby. Travel the world. It better be a long week! But those are all the things I want to experience in my life. If it were to end before I could do those, I would just be incomplete.
7. What is your favorite snack food?
Ice cream! I would eat ice cream everyday if it was good for me. My favorite is the white mint chip from Breyers. It is so refreshing and tastes like real mint, not the fake green stuff Dreyers has.
8. How often do you wash your hair?
Every. Single. Day. My fine blonde hair gets so greasy after one day and I do not enjoy going to work looking like a slime ball so I usually wash my hair every morning. Maybe 1 or 2 times a month, I will shower the night before and use dry shampoo in the morning before work. But this does not always yield the best hair day... Also, on those Sundays when I don't even change out of my pajamas, I obviously do not wash my hair which doesn't really count because I don't go in public anyways.
9. What is your favorite movie of all time?
This is a hard one. It depends on my mood. Right now, I will have to say Pride and Prejudice (the new one with Keira Knightley). That movie is just so soothing to me. I love the soundtrack too; whenever I am having a stressful day or am just feeling down, I listen to it and it always relaxes me. It's a great story about love and family and those are the two most important things in my life. If I am looking for a good laugh: Dumb and Dumber all the way!
10. Do you believe in ghosts?
Second biggest fear of all time... Ghosts freak me out. I guess the answer is yes, or else why would I be so afraid of them? I don't really like going to haunted houses or watching ghost movies - What Lies Beneath is to this day the most traumatizing movie I have ever watched. Let's just say I did not get into a bathtub for months!

11. Which do you like better: manis or pedis?
Pedis. I like to paint my own nails and usually the nail polish chips so soon after that a manicure is not really worth the money to me. But a pedicure is very relaxing and they usually last me a few weeks. Lately I have really liked getting Shellac manicures though because they last a few weeks and I love having nice looking, strong nails.
My 11 Questions for You
- Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
- What is your favorite meal to cook?
- Do you exercise? If yes, how often and what is your routine?
- What is your favorite TV show? Movie? Book?
- What was your favorite birthday party? What did you do? What made it so special?
- How many kids do you want to have? Why?
- If you got the opportunity to work and live in another country, would you? What country would you choose?
- What is your favorite thing to do with your husband, fiance, boyfriend, friend, whoever?
- Tell me about your family.
- What is your favorite store to shop at?
- If you had $50,000,000, what would you do with it & why?